I am extremely proud of my blog, Obsessed Fashion, and what I have done with it so far. I am overall pleased with the track that the blog is on, and plan to continue updating it because I enjoy it so much. My blog covers fashion and style, with everything from clothes to shoes to beauty trends. Ideally, I would really want to have a job in fashion blogging, fashion PR, or styling, and the goal of the blog was to convey what a person with one of these positions would be doing.
My blog has a few weaknesses. The first of these weaknesses is my about section. Although it does discuss what the blog is dedicated to, and what my goals will be for the posts, I really don’t think it says anything about my personal style or me. As well, this assignment is to relate back to technology and how it affects the particular area of interest or field that we chose, and it has no mention of that. Although the posts do take care of that, I should have included that in my about section. I plan to most likely rewrite and redo my about section. I got some inspiration from one of my fellow classmates, Lindsey, to add pictures of myself and my life in order to make it more relatable. I also think that the banner at the top lacks some personality, and I wish I could have changed that. I wasn’t positive how to create my own banner with maybe my own logo so I stuck to something simple. Although I like it because it does go with the simple and clean design of the blog, it could have been a little more exciting. I plan to experiment with that, as well as the menu buttons on the blog to make that all more my own.
However, I also think there are a lot of strengths within my blog. The first is the design. I chose a simple, clean design to convey an understated chic feel for the blog. I also think the colors compliment eachother well. I also think the title relates to my blog posts very well, because I really do cover what I am obsessed with right now. I also think that my blog is versatile. I have posts about fashion trends that I am interested in, (i.e. nail-polish, blouses) but I also discuss technology and its affect on the fashion industry. I talk about online shopping as a whole, but also talk about specific things such as Rent the Runway to really give specific examples. I also think adding the different tabs of places to shop, youtube obsessions, and blogs I love gives the blog my voice and doesn’t make it quite so general. It shows my personal choices.
I chose to incorporate hyperlinks, pictures, and videos to make this blog more interactive. Originally, I was planning on just using pictures from the internet, however I decided to make the blog even more relatable, I would use a mixture of pictures from the internet and pictures I have taken myself. I used hyperlinks because I know sometimes I am reading blogs, specifically fashion ones, and they do not offer links to where I can purchase most of these items or get more information on what they are discussing. Hyperlinks provide that so simply, so I thought that was crucial. I also included one video, and plan to include more in the future, for an extra element of entertainment.
I learned a great deal about myself in this process. I learned that I do have a voice, which at times can be silly, but shows that I really am passionate for what I am writing about. I learned that designing a blog is not easy, and that it takes a lot of trial and error, so I learned that I need to have a little more patience. This project also solidified that rhetoric is a broad term, and that as long as you efficiently target your audience, your use rhetoric is legitimate. I learned that I really enjoy the genre of blogging, and editing digitally and see a future in continuing this type of work. If anything, this project solidified that I want to be a fashion blogger.
I believe that my blog deserves an A-.